It’s well known, grannies smells like warm cookies and always have time and money saving tips. Granny Lala shares her 5 best tips to keep your tights in good shape and make them more sustainable.

1- The Freezer Tip

Before even wearing your tights, wet gently them and put them in a sealed plastic bag in the freezer.
Once frozen, take them out and, hang them and air dry.
According to Granny Lala, this useful tip helps harden the fibers of your tights and considerably extend the tights life cycle. Because you know, granny ain’t really kind on fast fashion.

2- The Vinegar Tip

Our Granny, like all grannies, likes to use vinegar EVERYWHERE.
She suggest you soak your pantyhose in cold water with a little vinegar before wearing them for the first time and after hand washing them to help keep your hosiery looking like new FOREVER.

3- The Pillowcase Tip

Although it is recommended to hand wash your tights, Granny Lala knows that you do occasionally put them in the washing machine. Been there, done that.
To play safe, place your stockings in a pillow case, tie it like a bag and add it to your laundry.
Here, Granny insists to say it’s still a good idea to use cold water and a soft detergent for your laundry.

4- The Towel Tip

When hand washing your tights, Granny Lala suggests you rinse them in cold water and then, roll them in a towel before hanging them for a quicker air dry.
Avoid the dryer, microwave or hair dryer, Granny assures you that these are not good ideas. Word!

5- The Soap Tip

So, the worst has happened, and you got a run on your tights! 
No clear nail polish to stop the disaster? No problem!
Rub a drop of liquid soap around the affected area and… Bam, you're good to go!
According to Granny Lala, as it dries, the soap will harden and prevent your pantyhose from continuing to run. Oh and guess what, she says a wet soap bar passed over the problematic mesh can do the magic too.

 And what about you? Any tips and tricks of your own? We’re curious! Share them with us!